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双一力储能惊艳亮相Intersolar 成功签约200MWh C&I项目

2023-06-15 09:46:25 来源:双一力储能



  6月14日,欧洲规模最大的光伏年度盛会Intersolar Europe在德国慕尼黑新国际博览中心召开。开展首日,双一力储能在展台上携液冷产品实机等海外全产品线,展示了发电侧、电网侧及用户侧的全场景储能解决方案,包括在欧洲及全球已投运的诸多储能项目案例,吸引现场众多参展者驻足。近年来,欧洲能源形势日益紧张,外加俄乌冲突等因素,储能需求进一步高增。双一力储能一直积极布局欧洲市场,如今步伐进一步提速,项目足迹已遍布英国、比利时、德国、捷克等国家。

  On 14th June, Intersolar Europe, known as the Europe's largest annual PV and renewables exhibition, was held in Munich, Germany. On the first day, Risen SYL showcased its full range of Li-ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) solutions for the renewable integration, utility scale and behind-the-meter applications, as well as local BESS projects that have been deployed in Europe, attracting more and more visitors to stop by at our booth.In recent years, as the energy situation in Europe has become increasingly tense, due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and other factors, the market demand for BESS has picked up significantly. Risen SYL has been actively developing the European market, with its project portfolio across the UK, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic and many more other countries.


  Risen SYL's newly launched liquid-cooling 20ft container BESS product has been designed within a standard shipping container, with advantages such as high energy density, plug-and-play installation and easy maintenance, will be the best choice for overseas projects. The liquid-cooling cabinet BESS product, showcased at our booth, has been already deployed in the European project sites, which supports scaling up and achieving flexible combination of capacity. A number of large projects have been successfully connected to the grid and site-accepted in various sites spreading across Europe. In addition, Risen SYL's overseas service team has accumulated rich know-how in BESS projects and is always capable in offering customers with the most reliable services throughout the project cycle.

  日前,Nigus International与双一力储能达成了战略合作意向,双方在展会首日正式签署了包含200MWh工商业储能项目的MSA协议。双方将充分发挥各自优势、拓展合作领域,开展在海外储能项目上的全方位合作。此外,双一力储能也获得了来自海外诸多客商的合作意向并进行了深度沟通,进一步深入拓展当地渠道网络。

  Recently, Nigus Internationalreached a strategic cooperation with Risen SYL, and the two parties formally signed a MSA containing 200MWh C&I energy storage projects on the first day of the exhibition. The two parties will give full play to their respective strengths, expand their areas of cooperation, and carry out a full range of cooperation in overseas BESS projects. In addition, Risen SYL has also received many cooperation intentions from potential customers and has conducted in-depth communication to further expand the local sales channel in the EU and the world.



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